New Moon in Cancer, July 2023


The Sun entered the Sign of Cancer on the Summer Solstice back on June 21st, and at that time, I suggested to clients and readers of this Blog to plan a “time out.” I counseled people to give themselves a special Solstice gift of self-care—even if just a little gift. (Read more about that HERE.) Care and nurturing are the highest expressions of Cancerian energy… AND best practiced with and on one’s own self before turning to the care and nurturing of others.

How did you do with that?

At this point, three weeks later, the Moon in its New phase is in the Sign of Cancer. As always, New Moons are potent times for intention-setting.

Where Cancer falls in your chart is the area that needs refuge from the world; in order to fully thrive in this realm of your life, lots and lots of time spent in self-reflection is key. It’s the part of your life where, if you’ve been gentle with and nurtured it deeply and often, it will reward you with the gifts of kindness, compassion, and empathy. And on that foundation, you can most effectively take care of others—precisely because you’ve taken care of yourself in that exact way.

The archetype is that of the Great Mother. Protection, kindness, compassion, nurturing others toward growth: these are some of the highest expressions of Cancerian energy. But beware of pigeon-holing Cancerian energy to the realm of hearth and home (a mother caring for young children). That’s certainly one expression, but so are examples such as:

  • Someone excelling in a professional field that requires emotional support, counseling, and/or healing
  • An intuitive or psychic medium allowing their paranormal abilities to guide themselves and others
  • A person diving deep into family history and genealogy research
  • An artist tapping into the depths of their emotions to create profound works of art
  • An advocate for social justice and humanitarian values, striving to protect the marginalized and those in need

As with all astrological energies, there are also the lower expressions to always beware of. On the other end of the Cancerian spectrum lie tendencies such as overprotection (of the self as well as of others); a “scaredy-cat” kind of fear and hiding; “shelling up” like the crab that is the symbol of this sign. Whenever you notice yourself falling into these kinds of patterns, pause, reflect, and course-correct!

Take a time out and ask yourself, honestly:

  • “Is there a legitimate need for retreat and withdrawal at this time, or am I unnecessarily ‘playing it safe’ and ultimately staying small?”
  • “How can I make sense of all the sensory stimulation out there that’s currently overwhelming me, so I can grow stronger as I engage with the world?”

When you know where (which House) in your Birth Chart the sign of Cancer falls, you can assess yourself and ask even more specific questions for self-reflection.

→ What would it look like if I nurtured and paid more attention in a gentle, compassionate way to my [X House area of life], in order to grow my abilities in that area? On the other hand, what might it look like if I went too far (indulged) with too much coddling/overprotecting in this area of my life?

And then you can set your Cancer New Moon Intentions accordingly.

1st HOUSE: If Cancer falls in your first house, your New Moon intentions could revolve around nurturing your self-image, enhancing self-care practices, and prioritizing emotional well-being. Focus on personal growth, self-expression, and initiating new beginnings in your life.

2nd HOUSE: If Cancer falls in your second house, your intentions may involve financial security, developing a sense of emotional stability in your resources, and finding ways to create a comfortable and nurturing environment. Set goals related to financial management, stability, and improving your self-worth.

3rd HOUSE: With Cancer in the third house, your intentions might center around enhancing communication skills, deepening connections with siblings or close friends, and fostering emotional intelligence. Consider setting intentions related to learning, expanding your knowledge, and nurturing supportive relationships.

4th HOUSE: When Cancer falls in your fourth house, your intentions could focus on strengthening your emotional foundation, nurturing family bonds, and creating a harmonious home environment. Set goals related to domestic life, emotional security, and nurturing your inner self.

5th HOUSE: If Cancer is in your fifth house, your intentions may involve expressing your creativity, nurturing your inner child, and embracing joy and romance. Consider setting goals related to artistic endeavors, hobbies, love relationships, and cultivating a playful and nurturing approach to life.

6th HOUSE: With Cancer in the sixth house, your intentions might revolve around self-care, emotional well-being at work, and establishing healthy routines. Focus on intentions related to maintaining a nurturing work environment, promoting physical and mental health, and finding emotional balance in your daily life.

7th HOUSE: When Cancer falls in your seventh house, your intentions could focus on nurturing your partnerships, deepening emotional connections, and fostering intimacy. Set goals related to cultivating harmonious relationships, emotional support, and developing a sense of partnership.

8th HOUSE: If Cancer is in your eighth house, your intentions may involve transforming emotional patterns, developing intimacy and trust, and exploring your subconscious depths. Consider setting goals related to emotional healing, shared resources, and personal transformation.

9th HOUSE: With Cancer in the ninth house, your intentions might revolve around expanding emotional wisdom, nurturing spiritual growth, and exploring different cultures or philosophies. Focus on intentions related to higher education, travel, spiritual exploration, and broadening your horizons.

10th HOUSE: When Cancer falls in your tenth house, your intentions could focus on nurturing your career, finding emotional fulfillment in your professional life, and establishing a sense of authority. Set goals related to career advancement, nurturing your ambitions, and creating a balance between your public and private life.

11th HOUSE: If Cancer is in your eleventh house, your intentions may involve nurturing friendships, fostering a sense of community, and supporting collective causes. Consider setting goals related to networking, social connections, community involvement, and emotional support within your social circles.

12th HOUSE: With Cancer in the twelfth house, your intentions might revolve around nurturing your spirituality, exploring your subconscious, and embracing solitude. Focus on intentions related to self-reflection, healing, letting go of emotional baggage, and connecting with your inner self.

May we all benefit from the nurturing energies of the Great Mother at this time. Namaste.

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