Nine Months In: Checking In With Saturn in Pisces


Person reflecting under Saturn in Pisces

Saturn’s archetypal energy did show up as part of the Scorpio New Moon Guided Meditation I crafted for last week’s Meditation Sound Bath. The topic of the Saturn Return was a focus for a recent Reading with an ongoing client. And two different friends in the past week — independently and unsolicited — did happen to mention goings on in their lives that totally represents the energy of Saturn transiting through Pisces right now…

Clearly, Saturn is stepping enough into the spotlight to warrant writing about it again.

Shortly after Saturn first entered Pisces in the Spring of this year, I wrote about what this means, encouraging us all to “step up to meet the Saturnian energy” and make a conscious choice to connect more deeply and consistently with a spiritual practice — whatever that might look like for each of us.

The “spiritual disciplinarian” energy of Transiting Saturn in Pisces that started back in March of 2023 will be with us until February of 2026.

Now, almost nine months later, as we approach the end of the year, it's a potent moment to reflect on the journey we've undertaken so far under Saturn's guidance in Pisces. We’ve had an invitation to delve deeper into our spiritual and creative selves, to explore the realms of imagination and intuition, and to find discipline in our pursuit of the ethereal. 

How have you responded to this celestial call?

Saturn's energy, often associated with challenges and discipline, is also a powerful force for manifestation and growth. (As a former astrology teacher of mine used to say, “it’s the Planet that helps us get our s**t together.”) It asks us not just to dream, but to do – to put in the work necessary to turn our visions into reality. In the Sign of Pisces, this work takes on a spiritual and creative dimension, urging us to blend our imagination with practicality.

Think back to the early days of Saturn's transit into Pisces: Spring of 2023. Did you set intentions or goals for your spiritual or creative practices? How have these unfolded over the past nine months? Perhaps you've committed to a new meditation routine, rekindled a passion for an artistic outlet, or found ways to tap into a “flow state” through journaling, tai chi, or extended yoga practices. Whatever your path, it's a beautiful thing to acknowledge the progress you've made, even if it's been in small, incremental steps.

And even if you did not consciously set intent, reflect back and see if some sort of spiritual practice has been deepening in your daily life since then anyway, almost without effort—something that has “just emerged.” You may surprise yourself!

(In my case, for example, as many of you know, I’ve been practicing an annual juice/smoothie cleanse… which, over the years, has expanded from a 21 to 28-day period to increasingly longer and longer periods. As of this past Spring, I started diving much deeper into the science — and spirituality! — of raw fooding and fruitarianism… and have gradually been compelled to move more and more in that direction when it comes to my daily food consumption. Physically, I feel so much better. Mentally I’m so much clearer. My body has never been stronger and I am witnessing long-chronic issues healing themselves. Honestly, raw fooding is becoming something of a spiritual practice for me now, complementing my other practices of yoga, meditation, writing, and making music.)

As we move forward with Saturn’s steadily progressive pace through Pisces — after all, there’s still more than two years of this energy ahead of us — let's consider how we can continue to harness this energy for more spiritual strength than ever. Can you dedicate more time to your practice — even if just five minutes more? Are there new methods or approaches you can explore to deepen your connection to your spiritual and creative self? Saturn's transit is a marathon, not a sprint, and every step, no matter how small, is significant.

I invite you to take a moment and reflect on these questions:

  • What spiritual or creative practice have you adopted or deepened since Saturn entered Pisces?
  • How has this practice impacted your daily life and overall well-being?
  • What challenges have you faced in maintaining this practice, and how have you overcome them?
  • Looking forward, what are your goals for the remainder of Saturn's time in Pisces?

Remember, this is a journey of personal growth and self-discovery. As Saturn continues its journey through Pisces, let it guide you to a deeper understanding of your inner world and to a more profound connection with the universe. Embrace the discipline it offers, and allow it to fuel your spiritual and creative fires. You might just find that by the time Saturn bids Pisces farewell, you've transformed in ways you never imagined possible.

And I encourage you to revisit the themes of Saturn in Pisces regularly during these next 2+ years. Make it a practice to check in with yourself, to celebrate your successes, and to realign your actions with your goals. This is not just about astrology; it's about living a life that's true to your deepest self. Saturn in Pisces is here to remind us that with discipline, dedication, and a touch of cosmic guidance, we can achieve wonders.

Back to Soul Map Songs.
