Capricorn Season's Climb: Finding Strength and Ambition in the New Year

Snowshoes in the snow

Just the other day, as I strapped on my snowshoes and embarked on a trek through pristinely white-blanketed ponderosa pines and aspens, I was struck, once again, by the synchronicity of astrological energies at play. How my wintertime physical ascent up this mountain mirrored Capricorn's call for us to climb our own personal mountains…

We’re in the midst of Capricorn season (21 Dec 2023 - 20 Jan 2024). This season in nature – when it’s bitter cold out (at least for those of us in the northern climes), when the days still feel so short – requires us to draw on our inner strength and willpower to “get through it.” But it’s not just about gritting the teeth and pushing through. Capricornian energy empowers us to climb mountains – both literally (as I was doing as these thoughts first flowed through my head) and figuratively. With its call for structure and discipline, the astrological energy of that mythic sea-goat fortifies us to embody the essence of determination, ambition, and the pursuit of excellence.

At this time of year the Universe asks us to tap into our deepest reserves of fortitude, to “buck up” and to “get to work.” This is the season to not only set our sights on the peaks we wish to conquer but also to lay down a solid path to reach them.

The zodiac sign of Capricorn, the most goal-oriented of all, is known for its energies that help us create masterpieces and legacies. It's an excellent time to look at the areas of our lives where we can claim mastery through consistent and diligent effort.

In your birth chart, the house where Capricorn resides highlights the realm of life where your authority and leadership can shine brightest.

Where is Capricorn in your birth chart? 
Do you recognize your own authority and leadership qualities in that area of your life? 
Why not take a short moment to acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments?

At the same time, (always mindful of the negative tendencies too, as every astrological energy runs on a spectrum from higher to lower expressions), it’s important to take an honest look at our potential shadow side as well. In the case of Capricorn, the lower end of the spectrum – an unyielding "Try harder! Never give up!" attitude – can sometimes lead to self-abuse or a feeling of carrying the world's weight on your shoulders. This season, we have to be careful of not falling into the trap of self-imposed burdens or a pessimistic outlook.

Do you recognize hints of those lower expressions of Capricorn energy in yourself as well? 
Identify and acknowledge those tendencies… And then generously grant yourself compassion. 
The humble acknowledgment itself means you’re viewing yourself from a perspective just that much higher up the mountain!

Whether you started a similar reflection at the Winter Solstice (when the Sun first moved into Capricorn) or are currently in the process of setting your New Year Resolutions, we’re still in that potent time for year-long intention-setting.

What are the mountains you want to climb in 2024? 
What does structure and discipline look like in your life, that could help you achieve your goals?

When I reached the peak on my snowshoeing journey that day, the expansive view reminded me of the broad perspective we gain when we dare to tackle the mountains in our lives, much like the journey through Capricorn season.

And as we all journey through this season in our own unique ways, let's embrace the disciplined energy of Capricorn to reach new heights of mastery and accomplishment. Remember, the path to the top may be steep, but the view from the summit is worth every step.

Here’s to an exhilarating ascent up your personal mountain in the coming year!

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